DIY crafts from newspapers. Weaving from newspaper tubes step by step: new ideas for beginners and practical recommendations. How and how to paint newspaper tubes for weaving baskets

How to learn to weave from newspaper tubes? Patterns, techniques and master classes for weaving from newspaper tubes. The most beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes.

The talent and skills of some people are sometimes simply amazing. It would seem that what can be made from an ordinary newspaper? Well, a cap, well, an airplane, well, what else? But no, there are masters of their craft who manage to create not just a work of art, but a whole masterpiece from old newspapers.

Ideas for boxes, crafts, vases, baskets, boxes made from newspaper tubes: photos of the most beautiful products

Just look at these wonderful crafts made from ordinary newspaper tubes. Their beauty is simply breathtaking!

Unusual vases made from newspaper tubes

How to make, twist newspaper tubes from newspapers and paint?

We twist tubes from newspapers

For those needlewomen who are taking on the process of twisting newspaper tubes for the first time, this task may seem very difficult and almost impossible. But over time, once you get the hang of it, you can achieve pretty good results when the newspapers seem to roll up into tubes themselves.

So, here is a list of materials needed for rolling newspaper tubes:

  • Newspapers
  • PVA glue or stationery glue stick
  • Knife, stationery knife or scissors (whichever is more convenient)
  • Thin knitting needle 0.5-1 mm or skewer

Algorithm for rolling newspapers into tubes:

  • Take a newspaper or a stack of newspapers.
  • We fold all the pages so that they lie clearly under each other.
  • Fold the newspaper in half.
  • Again, make sure that the edges of the newspaper do not extend beyond each other.
  • Cut the folded newspaper in half.
  • We fold the resulting halves of the newspaper in half again.
  • Cut the newspaper halves along the new fold.
  • We sort the resulting newspaper quarters into two piles.
  • We put strips of newspaper with white edges into one pile - the tubes twisted from them will be pure white.
  • In another pile we put the strips with letters - the tubes twisted from them will be with a seal.
  • We take one of the newspaper strips.
  • We place the knitting needle in its lower right corner.
  • The knitting needle is placed at an angle of 25-30 degrees.
  • Holding the tip of the newspaper, we begin to twist the knitting needle, winding the paper around it.
  • We try to roll the newspaper as tightly as possible.
  • Having twisted almost the entire tube, coat its edge with glue and glue it to the tube.
  • We take out the knitting needle.
  • Allow the finished tube to dry for 15-20 minutes.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the final version of the finished tube will have two ends of different thicknesses - on one side the tube will be thicker and on the other thinner. This structure of the tubes is necessary in order to “build up” them. “Extension” is a procedure based on the creation of long tubes. It consists in the fact that the thinner end of another tube is “screwed” into the thicker end of one tube and “glued” into place. This way you get one long newspaper tube.

Instructions for rolling tubes from newspapers: Video

You can paint the newspaper tubes after the fact - when the product is completely ready. However, this option is only suitable for cases when the craft is done in one color. If the product is designed in different colors, then it is advisable to paint the tubes in advance.
You can paint newspaper tubes with any coloring substances:

  1. watercolor
  2. gouache
  3. acrylic paints
  4. aerosol cans
  5. stain (the letters will show through)
  6. food colorings
  7. eyebrow and hair dye
  8. brilliant green
  9. Basma
  10. wood paint
  11. colorless paint with added color (this way you can do it on
  12. several different shades of paint based on one paint)

How to paint newspaper tubes: Video

  • It’s worth immediately highlighting two types of dyes that are the most popular among newspaper tube weavers: acrylic paints and water-based stain. Both of these water-based dyes produce a thorough, dense coloring of paper. At the same time, during weaving, no paint remains on the hands and surface, which is important in this process.
  • In order to make the product more durable and water-resistant, it is advisable to varnish it at the tube stage. The ideal option is when the varnish is applied in 2 layers.
  • By the way, in the case of varnish, you can save on paint - color can be added directly to the varnish.
  • Painted tubes must be dried thoroughly in the oven, in the sun or in front of the stove.

How and where to start weaving from newspaper tubes?

  • Often the design of newspaper crafts consists of a bottom, guides and woven tubes.
  • Several tubes of the required length are used in the form of guides - the length directly depends on the height of the craft.
  • There can be several tubes for weaving - for beginners it is better to start with one tube.
  • It is advisable to make the bottom of the craft wicker - this way the product will look more attractive. With this type of weaving, the core of the bottom is first made, the ends of which will later become the racks of the craft, and then tubes are braided around it, creating a round (or other shaped) bottom.
  • But you can also make a solid bottom - it is created from two circles cut out of thick cardboard. The vertical posts of the craft are glued to the bottom circle (they need to be slightly flattened at the attachment point), and they are fixed on top with another circle using glue.
  • As the base of the craft, you can use a jar, vase, glass or other container of suitable size. The base is installed on the bottom, and the racks are fixed in its upper part with clothespins to ensure the evenness of the product.
  • When the bottom, base and guides are in place, you can begin to braid them with paper vine.

Methods of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners: step-by-step instructions, master class

For beginning needlewomen, the simplest method of weaving from newspaper wicker is suitable - single with a solid bottom:

  • We take the finished frame of the future craft.
  • We flatten one of the tubes, which will act as a vine, a little at the end.
  • Glue the flattened end of the vine to the bottom of the craft.
  • We lead the vine behind the nearest guide (with this type of weaving there should be an odd number of them) from the outside.
  • We bring the vine inside the craft.
  • We braid the next guide from the inside.
  • We bring the vine outside the craft and wrap it around the next guide from the outside.
  • Thus we continue in a circle along the entire height of the craft.
  • As we work, the vine will run out, so we build it up as we go.
  • We make sure that the vine lies tightly and the posts stand straight.
  • Having filled your hand a little, you can try to weave several vines at once (2-3).

Types of weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners - simple, double, rod, complex, braid, lazy, isid, volumetric bending: weaving pattern for beginners, photo

Weaving pattern using the three-rod rod technique

Pattern of weaving from newspaper tubes using the “izida” technique

Weaving pattern from newspaper tubes “double fold”

Complex bending - diagram

Lazy braid braiding pattern

The bottom of newspaper tubes is square, rectangular, round, oval: how to weave for beginners?

How to weave a simple round bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a square bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave an oval bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a rectangular bottom from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave handles for a basket from newspaper tubes: patterns for beginners

Twisted handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

Handle for a basket made of newspaper tubes: Video

How to finish weaving from newspaper tubes?

The simplest folds from newspaper tubes: Video

Basket made of newspaper tubes: technique, weaving patterns

Scheme of weaving a box from newspaper tubes

Weaving patterns from newspaper tubes for beginners

To summarize, it’s worth saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to start something new. Even the most famous needlewomen were once beginners. They also didn’t succeed at everything right away, they also got upset and intended to give up their hobby. But nevertheless, over time, everything fell into place - the tubes began to roll up faster, the patterns became more complex and ornate, and the crafts became simply mesmerizing. So, dear readers, go ahead, study, get better, and mastery will definitely overtake you!

How to weave a box from newspaper tubes: Video

How to weave a lid for a box from newspaper tubes: Video

For most women, home is a family nest. And each strives to fill the house with warmth, comfort and beauty. Wickerwork made from tree vines has decorated the homes of our ancestors since ancient times. But the vine of not all trees is suitable for such purposes.

Currently, for weaving baskets, vases and other crafts, you can use available materials - newspapers and magazines. Having free time and the necessary raw materials will help you spend your time interestingly and usefully.

Preparing to weave from newspaper tubes

To weave tubes you need:

  • newspapers;
  • glue;
  • knitting needle;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • paper clips

For beginners in weaving, it is better to watch the process of creating crafts on video. Video tutorials will help you visualize the necessary weaving rules.

The first thing you need to do is prepare the necessary raw materials. The materials in our case are newspapers and paper. We cut them into long strips 5-10 cm wide, depending on the desired density of the product. You can cut the paper with scissors or use a stationery knife.

Note! To determine the direction of the grain of the paper, simply run a few fingernails along the edge of the sheet. The longitudinal direction does not form any irregularities, but in the transverse direction the cut line will immediately become wavy. When preparing tubes from newspapers, it is better to use the longitudinal direction.

Then we proceed directly to creating newspaper tubes. Take the cut strip and place the knitting needle on it. We twist the edge of the strip onto a knitting needle. Lubricate the edge of the resulting tube with glue and let it dry.

In the same way, it is worth making at least 50 blanks. Their number depends on the complexity and size of the product.

At the preparation stage, it is also worth deciding whether you will paint the tubes before the weaving process or give the required color to the finished craft. For painting it is better to use acrylic paints or varnishes. After drying, they do not make the surface hard, which is extremely important when weaving. The tubes should be flexible for easy handling and easily take the required shape.

Weaving a bottom from newspaper tubes for beginners

Now you can begin the process of weaving a basket or vase with newspaper tubes. And our MK will help with this! A basket is a unique thing that can be used as a place to store pleasant little things, and can also become an original handmade gift.

Different types of products require different shapes, and, accordingly, different bases.

A square bottom may be suitable for a small basket or wicker box. A wicker box (or a small chest) looks simply incredible in the interior!

Take a strip of cardboard and bend it in half. Using a stationery hole punch, you need to make holes for the tubes at a distance of 1-2 cm.

We insert pre-prepared newspaper tubes into these holes. Now we take a paper vine and weave it next to the cardboard. Above the first tube, under the second, above the third - this alternation is constantly repeated.

When we approach the outermost newspaper tube, we turn around it and continue weaving, but in the opposite direction. If the tube runs out, then add the next one to it.

Continue weaving the square bottom to the desired size.

To weave the round bottom of a basket for the first time, it is better for a beginner to read a detailed description or study the diagrams.

Round cardboard is needed for the base. Take eight tubes and place them as shown in the image. For convenience, you can secure all this with clothespins.

We take one tube and grab the four fixed ones.

We secure the tube and wrap around the next four again, as shown in the image.

After the first circle is completed, we will continue weaving in the same way, only now we grab not four, but two tubes each.

We also continue to weave the round bottom of the vase or basket to the desired volume.

Step by step weaving from newspaper tubes

After the bottom of your craft is ready, you can safely begin weaving the side part. So, let's do it step by step!

Step No. 1. The tubes around which the weaving was made must be bent towards the middle.

For convenience, you can place an item for braiding on the bottom of the basket. Such an object can be the most ordinary glass or cube.

Step No. 2. Weaving the sides of the craft continues in the same way as the base. The newspaper tube passes first over one stick, under the second, over the third, etc. If the tube runs out, take the next one and continue until the craft reaches the desired height.

Remember! All rows of your weaving must fit tightly to each other, otherwise your work will be in vain, and the craft may fall apart.

Step No. 3. When the basket has reached the desired height, we use a bend for the edges of the tubes and secure them with paper clips.

If you wish, you can insert ribbons or beads between the rows of weaving of your craft to realize your idea. This will make your basket unique and unusual.

Step No. 4. If you decided to give a certain color to the basket, but did not color the pre-rolled newspaper tubes, then now is the time to think about it.

For painting, it is better to use acrylic paints and varnishes, as well as alcohol-based stain. It is better not to use water stain, because the product may lose its shape.

At this stage, you can decorate your product with a wide variety of decor.

Step #5: Stiffening. The easiest way to secure the shape of your craft is PVA glue. They need to completely saturate the basket and allow it to dry thoroughly.

At your discretion, you can add a handle to the craft or similarly weave a lid and use it as a box or chest.

Video of the process of weaving from newspaper tubes

In order to better understand all the intricacies of weaving crafts from tubes, you can watch the video master class.

Photos of products woven from tubes

Handmade crafts have a special charm. They are diverse, as can be seen in the photo, unique and reflect the inner thinking of their craftswoman. A craft made from newspaper tubes can be a wonderful decoration for your home interior or an original gift. A variety of decorations and patterns give the fakes an original chic.

Videos from handicraft sites suggest different methods of weaving from newspaper tubes. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows where to start and how to improve their skills, so they quickly abandon their favorite activity. Today, weaving from newspaper tubes is very common. Enterprising needlewomen even make money by selling wickerwork. The advantage of a hobby is that it is inexpensive. To begin with, only newspapers and PVA glue are enough, but for the durability of the compositions, different types of dyes, glue, varnish and other additional tools are also used. Please note that if you master the skill of weaving newspaper tubes, you can save on household items and gifts for friends. Manual labor is much more valuable, especially if you master all the techniques.

Let's learn together how to weave different objects from newspaper tubes, improving each time and learning new secrets of craftsmanship.

Weaving techniques

Weaving from newspaper tubes looks like wicker weaving. But it has become a thing of the past due to the long preparatory process: you need to know where, when and how to collect vines, processing methods and other secrets for storing products. This type of creativity is not suitable for city residents. A newspaper is another matter, since it is always at hand and what is written quickly loses its relevance.

To make dishes, you need to cut strips of newspapers no more than 4 cm wide. The thickness should not exceed 6 mm

To make dishes, you need to cut strips of newspapers no more than 4 cm wide. The thickness should not exceed 6 mm. It is important to find the right paper, otherwise the plate will look sloppy.

The method of rolling tubes into a plate is quite simple. The main thing is to stock up on perseverance, patience and material of the same size. They need to be wound in a spiral until we get the canvas of the desired size. Try to connect the tubes in such a way that the bobbin does not fall apart due to careless movement. During the winding process, some craftsmen place newspaper tape directly onto the PVA, but in this case you risk ruining the shape of the product, which will be very difficult to correct.

A more convenient way to create a plate is to wind newspaper tubes without glue. Then, by gently pressing your fingers, the desired shape is formed. Only after this the product is primed and decorated.

Using the same technology, vases and bowls with high edges are formed. But they are done in several stages. Each part must be screwed separately and glued together.

Basket made of newspaper tubes. Master class with photos

Master Class. Weaving a basket from newspaper tubes

I came across such creativity online as weaving from newspaper tubes. I was interested and decided to try it. I have reviewed more than a dozen master classes. Externally, the products are in no way inferior to wickerwork. And for home use they are quite durable and for a gift - nice!
Using various varnishes, paints and coating impregnations when weaving, you can create braids of all colors of the rainbow.
And by decorating the baskets with beads, flowers, ribbons or appliqués using the deco page technique, you can turn them into works of art.
Here's what I got.
You will need:
1. Newspaper sheets
2. PVA glue
3. Knitting needle
4. Scissors, stationery knife
5. Paint (acrylic), varnish (Finish varnish), alcohol-based stain (origon, larch, lemon...)
6. Brushes for glue and paint.
7. Basis for weaving
Photo 1

Operating procedure:

First, you need to determine the direction of the paper grain. The direction must be longitudinal. There are several ways to determine direction. Here's one: stretch the edges of a piece of paper between the nails of two fingers. In the transverse direction of the fibers, the edge will become wavy; in the longitudinal direction, folds will not form. Strips of this size will make thin tubes for an elegant product. If you need thicker tubes, then the width of the strips and the diameter of the knitting needles need to be increased.
I paint the tubes with a brush on regular oilcloth. I only use alcohol-based stains. On the recommendation of one master class, I tried to paint the tubes with a water-based stain - it ruined everything. When wet, the gluing area separates and the tubes unfold. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
Stage 1: Preparation
We mark the newspaper into strips of 7 cm.
Photo 2

On a backing board, cut the newspaper into strips with a utility knife.
Photo 3

The angle of position of the knitting needle on the newspaper strip is 10°-15°.
Photo 4

You need to start winding the strip very tightly, wrapping the edge of the newspaper around the knitting needle. The tubes turn out white if the white margin of the newspaper strip is left on the right.
Photo 5

Secure the edge of the newspaper with glue.
Photo 6

Photo 7

At this stage, the finished tubes can be painted in the desired color if desired and allowed to dry thoroughly. You can paint the finished product afterwards. And if you cover it with paint and varnish on top, then no one will guess that this basket is made from an ordinary old magazine (newspaper).
Photo 8

Stage 2: Weaving
Let's start the work by weaving the bottom. It all depends on the size of your product. To weave the basket presented to your attention, you will need 30 (thirty) tubes 50 cm long.
We take 10 tubes (hereinafter: faces) 45-50 cm long. Lay them out in pairs.
Photo 9

We fold the working tube in half and wrap it around the first pair of rays.
Photo 10

The start of work can be marked with a marker on the edge of the beam.
Photo 11

We braid each pair of rays with a rope. The working tubes intersect, then one working tube goes on top of the pair of rays, the other below. As soon as the length of the working tube ends, we extend it (insert the end of the next tube into the hole of the previous one).
Photo 12

Photo 13

We weave two rows until the pair of rays marked with a marker.
Photo 14

We weave the third and fourth row into one ray.
Photo 15

We direct the working tubes to the middle of the bottom.
Photo 16

We form the edging of the bottom. With the first ray (marked with a marker), we go around the next one, directing it to the center of the bottom and so on in a circle.
Photo 17

We insert the last ray from below into the loop of the first ray.
Photo 18

Next, we braid each ray of 4 (four) rows with a rope, slightly bending the rays from the center.
Photo 19

We decorate the 5th (fifth) row with wooden beads with a diameter of 16 cm. You will need 6 pieces. beads
Photo 20

Photo 21

6 (sixth) and 7 (seventh) rows, knit with a rope. The work is almost finished! All that remains is to trim the excess length of the working tubes and tuck them between the rows using a knitting needle.
Photo 22

We cut off the extended ends of the working tubes with scissors.
Photo 23

To make the handle of the basket, leave 3 (three) rays on each side, separating them with clothespins. Place a drop of glue at the base of the remaining rays and cut them off with scissors.
Photo 24

Photo 25

Photo 26

We connect the ends of the basket handle tubes.
Photo 27

Before weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the edge of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. We braid the handle with a tube along the entire length.
Photo 28

Photo 29

At the end of weaving the handle, drop a drop of glue onto the end of the tube and secure it with a clothespin. The main work is finished.
Photo 30

Stage 3: Coloring
For strength, saturate the basket with PVA glue and give it the desired shape. Let the glue dry completely.
Photo 31

Paint the basket with white acrylic paint. (you can add color paste, different dyes or paint with stain).
Photo 32

We cut out motifs from a napkin and make a page deck. Cover the basket with Finish varnish and dry the finished work.
Photo 33

Wicker items have been popular at all times. Only earlier they used birch bark, wicker, and willow twigs, but now they are replaced with ordinary newspaper, magazine and office sheets. Such products are coated with stain and varnish, thereby creating an imitation of the structure of wood.

This is the popular Master class for beginners will be devoted to the basics of this craft, since the information on it is scattered in pieces from various sources, and all the available lessons on weaving crafts are designed for people with basic knowledge.


For weaving you will need paper, knitting needles, paint, stain, varnish, cardboard, glue. Newspapers, magazines, office and fax paper are suitable for the work. Softer tubes are made from newspaper, and thinner, elastic tubes are made from magazines and office paper.

Please note: from one newspaper spread you should get four tubes (the width of the segment is no more than 7-12 centimeters). Cut narrow strips 2-3 centimeters wide from office paper.

Experiment with different types of material, then you will get an extraordinary paper weave. You can create a wide variety of crafts using this technique - from trays and panels to animal figurines and dishes.

Craftsmen use knitting needles of different thicknesses. The selection depends on the craft: for example, for a newspaper you need a knitting needle No. 2-3, and for office paper - a stocking needle. For the base of the craft, twist thick tubes, and for the braid - soft ones.

Choose a water-based paint or stain (alcohol-based product dries quickly, but makes the tube brittle). Thin the paint with PVA glue (2:1 or 3:1). Either the product is painted after work, or the blanks are painted before the creative process begins. But the finished craft is always coated with glue and left to dry. Only at the last stage is it coated with varnish. Cardboard is used to create a finished bottom or container of the desired shape.

Paper weaving: master class for beginners

How to prepare the tubes:

The tubes should not be soft or hard; ideally, a “medium” paper weave is obtained. There are a lot of video tutorials on twisting for beginners, but without practice they are useless. For example, for blinds and panels, craftsmen specially twist hard sticks; for decorative miniature objects, they prepare thin tubes, where the width of the strip can be less than the traditional seven centimeters. You need to experiment to find your own tube thickness.

Please note that when cutting with a knife, nicks are formed that interfere with proper twisting. Therefore, before work, do research: try cutting two sheets of newspaper into transverse and longitudinal strips, determining which method produces fewer notches. It is from the segment with smaller notches that the tube rolls without problems.

Paper weaving: step-by-step instructions for twisting and painting

When twisting sticks, one end should be wider and the other narrower. So, when weaving crafts, a build-up occurs due to insertion, that is, a narrow corner is inserted into a wide one. If the ends are the same, then one edge is flattened, compressed and inserted.

Many artists do without glue when doing extensions; they simply insert a stick three centimeters deep into another. Other pros drop a drop of glue into a tube with a wide end, and push it three centimeters with a narrow stick.

There is also a secret how to make the twisting go faster and the weaving to be soft. Before work, newspaper tubes are laid out in a row and rolled over them with a rolling pin. It turns out that each craftsman has his own paper weaving.

Master class for beginners on painting tubes

  • First way. Paint the sheets before work, then dry them, cut them into strips and roll them into tubes.
  • Second way. Twist the sticks, then paint each one individually with a brush. Suitable for products that require an unusual pattern.
  • Third way. You make a craft, then decorate it using weaving or randomly with a brush.

Mass painting methods

For paint you can use water emulsion, pigments, for eggs. If the color turns out to be unsuccessful, continue weaving from paper anyway. A basket, for example, can have any color, just complicate the weaving or resort to decoupage.

Secrets for working with straws

Please note that the color becomes lighter as it dries. By combining with other sticks, you create the desired pattern or paint the finished product with the desired shade. Do not dry until completely dry. Wrap the slightly damp sticks in a bag so that both ends are outside. In winter they can be stored in the cold.

When working, the sticks must be flexible, but after painting they become hard and brittle. Ideally, paper weaving should begin immediately after painting the tubes. A basket, boxes, and dishes can be made from dry painted tubes if, before work, you spray the middle of the sticks with plain water using a sprayer on all sides.

Wrap them in a wet cloth (ends outside) or put them in a bag. Prepare a large number of tubes at once, so as not to be distracted by twisting while working.

When weaving, an even and odd number of tubes are taken. It is in the side where the odd number of sticks is where the work begins. The “odd” tube entwines all the others. As soon as its length ends, grow a new stick.

Types of weaving

We've finished with the material preparations, now let's look at paper weaving. A master class for beginners on its technique is given below.

  • Simple ordinary weaving. With a braiding tube, like a snake, go around each base stick. That is, it either covers the base or hides behind it. If you need to go back, the weaving goes the same way, but in the opposite direction.
  • Simple weaving in rows. The pattern changes after several rows. That is, take one stick and go through a simple weave. The next tube is laid in the same way as the first. Continue this way several times. Then you shift the pattern, that is, where the base was braided, it remains free, and the next one is braided the same number of times as in the first pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weave. Each tube starts with a new base stick diagonally. The result is an oblique (oblique) pattern.
  • Simple diagonal weaving in rows. Just as in a horizontal pattern, you weave with several sticks, and move the new circle along the pattern.

Types of weaving

We continue to look at paper weaving (master class on creating patterns):

Weaving techniques and secrets

To keep any pattern, it is braided with a rope or a braid. Let’s take a closer look at “protective” paper weaving (we will describe it step by step using the example of a basket).

Please note that weaving the tubes starts from the thick ends from left to right. To get the desired shape, the stands are pinched to the desired object (vase, bucket, box, etc.). The finished product is generously smeared with PVA glue (with or without paint), “put on” the item of the desired shape, and dried. Then, when painted and varnished, the product made from tubes will be beautiful and durable.

Making a basket

For beginners, it’s better to start with something simple (for example, blinds, frames, panels) to train your hand in twisting the tubes and weaving them together. Then you can move on to complex paper weaving (horseshoe, heart, box, bell). Consider a master class on weaving a simple basket without a lid or handle.

To save labor on weaving the basket, use a cardboard bottom. To do this, take an object of the desired shape and trace the bottom on thick cardboard. Cut out two pieces. Decorate them right away (cover them with wallpaper, paint them or use decoupage).

Attach the bottom half along the edge. Now glue the newspaper tubes onto it. The distance between them should not be more than 2-3 centimeters. This is the basic rule of such needlework (meaning paper weaving).

A stand for pens, a photo frame, a hat - any craft should have a distance between the posts of no more than three centimeters. The fact is that a larger gap between them leads to looseness and fragility of the product.

Continuation of basket weaving

Next, apply PVA glue to the bottom with the tubes, cover it with the second bottom, place a weight on top and leave it overnight. Now go through two rows with a “rope”, a simple interweaving of the racks. After this, place the form on the bottom along which you will weave, with a weight (the weight is needed to fix the bottom when weaving). If you immediately start weaving the walls from the cardboard bottom, you will end up with holes in the basket that will need to be decorated.

Raise the tubes up and continue working until you reach the desired height. Next, braid it up or braid it separately, gluing it to the base. The same principle is used to weave paper boxes with lids.

There is another way to weave a rectangular bottom using ribbons and newspaper tubes. This look is reminiscent of working with a rug made from paper strips. Only in this case you take not one tube, but two or three for one unit. For example, there are four groups of sticks below. Then place three sticks crosswise on them.

Place four groups of tubes on top so that their ends are between the bottom ones. Now you braid all the rows with ribbon or a soft stick. Then again lay a transverse group of sticks, braiding them with tape. Using colored tubes, you can get an original pattern.

The bottom in this case turns out to be voluminous, as if double. Then you lift all the joints and braid them with a “rope”, smoothly moving onto the walls of the product. For trays, this is the optimal paper weave. A step-by-step photo of weaving a square basket clearly shows the essence of the work. Prepare some straws and get creative.

If you have never worked with newspaper tubes, start with simple types. For example, blinds. To do this, simply twist the thick sticks along the length of one half of the window. Tie each stick with a double knot on both sides, retreating 3-4 centimeters from the edges. While working, coat the “seams” with glue.

At the top you attach a curtain ring (the blinds will be attached to them) and a loop where you can put a rolled roll if necessary. Paint the finished product and varnish it. Now you can try simple weaving on small souvenirs and move on to baskets.


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