Introducing ordinal counting lesson plan in mathematics (senior group) on the topic. Abstract of GCD in mathematics in kindergarten in the senior group on the topic: Ordinal counting and numbers Methods and techniques


1 Abstract of the educational activity “Ordinal and quantitative calculation” (Preparatory group) The lesson can be held not in a traditional setting6 in a music room, in a sports room, or on the street. Goal: Consolidate ordinal and quantitative counting within ten. Tasks: -Practise counting objects by touch. -Develop the ability to compare numbers within ten, using mathematical terms “more”, “less”, “equal”. -Practise solving problems involving addition and subtraction within ten. -Develop the ability to navigate in space according to a diagram and on a plane according to the cells. -Practise comparing objects by length, using the words “shortest”, “longer”, “shorter”, “longest” in speech. -Practice in distinguishing geometric shapes by color, shape, size, thickness and classification in accordance with the symbol card. -Develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills. -Learn to transform deformed phrases into correct statements. -Develop the ability to expressively tell poems about numbers. Progress of the lesson - A telegram arrived this morning. Guess who it's from. Heals small animals, Heals adults and children, Heals everyone, Heals the Good Doctor. Children. Aibolit.

2 - The telegram arrived not simple, but encrypted. Let's decipher it. Barmaley, animals, kidnap. Children. Barmaley stole the animals. - Rather, Africa, to, come. Children. Come to Africa soon. - Help, animals, save Children. Help save the animals. - Guys, let's help Aibolit Children. Yes. - What can we use to go to Africa? Let's go by train. But what is it? We can't leave, the train has no wheels. Shall we fix the train? Shall we tighten the wheels? Children. Yes. - The wheels will be selected in order from 1 to 10. Children “screw on the wheels: they attach plastic bottle caps with numbers from 1 to 10 written on them to the rectangular “cars”. They line up in a column. - Well done, they fixed the train. Who is traveling in which carriage? 1st child. I'm in the first one. 2nd child. I'm in the second one. (Etc.) Teacher. Let's give the signal for departure: "Oooh." I'm puffing, puffing, puffing, I'm knocking, knocking, knocking, I'm flying, flying, flying, I don't want to be late! Here we are in Africa. Aibolit and Barmaley meet us, greet us and invite us to sit at the tables.

3 Images of Aibolit, Barmaley and animals in cages are on flannelgraph. Aibolit. Barmaley kidnapped the animals and put them in a cage. The animals became sad and sick. -Let's help Aibolit save the animals. But getting to them is not easy; you have to go through a labyrinth. And the entrance to the labyrinth is locked. Let's try to open it. A graphic dictation is conducted. Children work on checkered pieces of paper. Under the dictation of the teacher, move the pencil in the indicated direction. As a result, the sheets should have an image of the key. -With this key we can open the door to the labyrinth. Guys, look at the flannelgraph, how many animals did Barmaley kidnap? (Children's answers.) Where is the ELEPHANT (Children's answers.) Where is the lion? (Children's answers) (Etc.) Now we know who is where. You can go save the animals. Didactic game “Fly” According to the instructions of the teacher, children move the “fly”. -Where are you staying? Whom are we saving? (Children's answers.) There is a lock on the cage. To open it, you need to choose a code to put the desired mathematical sign: “greater than”, “less than”, “equal”. Children “travel” through the cells, compare numbers, put the desired sign between the numbers, “rescue” the animal and place its image at the top of the cell. -So we saved all the animals. Now we need to cure them. But Barmaley took his suitcase with medicines from Aibolit and hid it. We need to find him. Leave the tables and stand in a row. Here's a map with arrows showing where to go and numbers indicating the number of steps. And if we go all the way correctly, we will find the doctor’s suitcase. Children complete the task.

4 - We found the suitcase. But the evil Barmaley mixed all the medicines. We need to take them apart. You need to determine what is hurting the animal and select the right medicine according to the prescription. A didactic game is played with Dyenesha blocks. -There are hoops on the floor, and there is an animal in each hoop. Come and see which part of the body is bandaged. The hoop contains a symbol card. This is a recipe that will help you find the right medicine. Children complete the task. -We cured all the animals. Now they are no longer sad. They invite us to board a plane and look down from the plane at how beautiful Africa is. Physical education lesson Started the engines: rrr! Hands to the side. We're sending the plane into flight. Left wing forward. One, two, three, four, our plane took off. Right wing forward. Perform appropriate movements. - What do you see from above? Children. Palm trees, giraffe, river. - And now the animals want to play hide and seek with us. Count how many animals there are in total? Remember who is in what place. Now you close your eyes, and one of the animals will hide. The game “Who’s missing?” is being played. - And now the lion wants to ask you riddles. You will solve them and display the solutions using numbers on the carpet. (The task is performed on the floor.) The monkey brought four bananas to the elephant

5 I made the Giant happy with the gift! He had one banana, Look, Now how much is there in total, Tell me! Children. There are five bananas: one plus four. Teacher. On the swing, on the swing Five spotted leopards sat down at the zoo, Smiling at the sun And swinging merrily with the good old lion. How many animals are there in total? Children. Six animals. Teacher. Seven monkeys, seven neighbors, ran away from their branches, all of them hung upside down on their tails, swayed, shouted, and fought among themselves. The biggest bully got the most in the fight. They threw her off the branch. How long will it be without her? Children. Six monkeys. -Guys, look what beautiful caterpillars have crawled to us. How are they similar? Children. They are made from “kinder surprises”. -What is the difference? Children. Color and length. -The caterpillars also want to play with you. Take one caterpillar at a time and hide it behind your back. Count by touch how many balls your caterpillar has. How many balls you count, that’s how old she is. Now tell us about your caterpillar: what color it is and how old it is. Children complete the task. -Now let’s release the caterpillars into the clearing. Children place caterpillars on a green piece of paper.

6 -Put them in order: from shortest to longest. Name their length. Children complete the task (“The shortest, the longest, even longer.”). - Now say it in reverse order. Children complete the task (“The longest, shorter, even shorter, shortest”). - That's how fun we played! But now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's dance with our animals. Children dance to the song “Africa” from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood.” - Barmaley wants to tell you that he really liked the way you played together. He promises that he will no longer offend animals, but will be friends with them. Let's say goodbye to Barmaley, Doctor Aibolit and the animals. Let's get on the train and go to kindergarten. Goodbye friends!

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Summary of the integrated lesson.

Section 3 “Learning to think, reason, fantasize.”

Topic: “Ordinal counting within 10.”

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the days of the week and parts of the day;

Learn to determine the location of geometric shapes in the path, understand the expressions “before” and “after”;

Continue to learn how to navigate on a sheet of paper;

Continue the formation of mental operations (analysis, comparison, generalization);

Develop the skill of answering questions completely.

Developmental tasks:

Develop speech, observation, the ability to express and justify your judgments;

Develop auditory and visual attention, memory, logical thinking;

Develop creativity, imagination, creative imagination.

Educational tasks:

Develop independence and the ability to plan your work;

Foster a desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situations;

Foster friendly relationships between children and the habit of completing tasks together;

The ability to rejoice in your success and the success of your friend.

Methods and techniques:

· Simulation of a game situation in order to pose a problem and create motivation;

· questions for children;

· use of teaching aids and visual material;

· physical education, computer.

Subject development environment:

· Use of ICT (computer);

· a basket with “magic” nuts;

· cards with two stripes;

· didactic game “football”;

· ball for the game “Days of the Week”;

· schematic representation of unfinished items for each child;

· chips.
Progress of the lesson:

The teacher creates game motivation:

Guys, do you like fairy tales?

What fairy tales do you know? Name it.

What fairy tale is your favorite?

Listen and guess which fairy tale these lines are from:

The spruce tree grows in front of the palace,

And below it is a crystal house;

A tame squirrel lives there,

Yes, what an entertainer!

The squirrel sings songs.

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden,

The cores are pure emerald;

The servants are guarding the squirrel.

That's right, from "The Tale of Tsar Sultan." Who is the author of this fairy tale?

That's right, A. S. Pushkin.

You know, guys, the squirrel handed over this basket of nuts. But these nuts are not easy, they contain riddles and tasks for us.

The teacher invites the child to get a nut from the basket.

What number is hidden here?

In a nut with a is the task: “Build a path of pebbles.”

Take cards with two stripes and trays with geometric shapes. On the top strip, lay out a path of ten geometric shapes so that identical shapes are not located next to each other.

Questions for the completed assignment:

How many pieces did you place?

What is the difference between a triangle and a square?

How are a square and a rectangle similar?

What can you say about the circle?

Count how many larger shapes are in your path?

How many small sizes?

How many squares?

How many laps?

The teacher suggests performing a mutual check.

The teacher praises the children for completing the task correctly.

Lay out the second path so that it is shorter and there are no circles in it. (Children complete the task and peer-check is performed).

Questions for the completed assignment

How many pebbles is your path made of, Nadya?

Do you have it, Vasya?

Which is a rectangular figure?

Zhenya, where is your rectangle?

Name the next figure.

Name the third figure, place a counter on it and name it. What figure is next?

Well done guys, you did a good job.

What number is hidden here?

And this nut invites us to look through the magic window.

Game on the computer: “Logical thinking.”

Look carefully at what appears on the screen and answer the questions correctly.

Questions for children:

Why do you think so? Explain? (Children express their opinions)

Did you like this game?

The teacher invites the child to get the following nut:

Nadya, crack one more nut. What's the number here? Name it.

This nut invites us to play the game “football”.

Take a football field and “balls”. We got ready to play. So, the ball is in the middle of the field, up, down, left, right, top right, bottom left, bottom right, top left, center. Great, you completed this task too.

The teacher offers to get the child the next nut.

Zhenya, open the next nut, what is the number here? It's time for us to rest

Physical education minute.

I want to know now

One two three four five -

We'll go for a walk together.

On the edge of the fir tree

We all sat down on the stump.

We sat and rested,

They pulled their hands towards the sun.

They dropped them again

You can wave them.

Reaching for the sun again

And they smiled at each other.
The teacher invites the child to get the next nut.

Open the nut, name the number. Under this number, the squirrel has prepared riddles for us to use our wits:

Quietly and timidly

The sun is red with a ray

What opened it like a key? (Morning)

The sun shone brightly

The earth, everything was gilded.

It shines and shines

He doesn't tell us to be lazy. (Day)

The sun went to bed, and as if

Light blue blanket

He covers the whole earth,

This time is very precise -

They call it twilight. (Evening)

When with darkness

The earth suddenly came together

And the moon is in the sky

Matched a star. (Night)
What were all these riddles about? (about parts of the day)

I suggest playing the game “When does this happen?”

· The sun shines during the day, and the moon….(at night)

· During the day I walk, and at night…..(sleep)

· We have breakfast in the morning and lunch….(in the afternoon)

· We sleep at night, do exercises….(in the morning)

· We do exercises in the morning and have dinner... (in the evening)

· We have dinner in the evening, and we have quiet time... (in the afternoon)

The teacher suggests playing the game “Days of the Week”

Throw the ball and name the days of the week.

What is the first day of the week?

What's the third one?

What is the last day of the week?

What is the next day on Wednesday?

What is the next day on Friday?

What are the days off of the week?

The teacher invites the child to get the next nut.

What number is hidden in it?

This nut is the last task for us.

Squirrel gave us unfinished images of objects. Your task is to come up with and complete unusual drawings and give them a name.

Game “Complete the drawing and name the object”

(While the children are working, calm music sounds, Children talk about what they drew)

The teacher summarizes:

Children, what did we do today?

What did you like most?

Thank you. You know so much, came up with interesting drawings, were attentive, smart,

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting, the names of geometric figures, and time concepts.
- consolidation of knowledge of direct counting within five
- ability to find the next and previous number from the named one
and designated
-continue to teach how to correlate numbers with the number of objects
- distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 5
- continue to learn how to make a figure from geometric shapes
- consolidation of knowledge in the names of seasons, time of day, names of geometric shapes
Progress of the lesson
(children sit in a semicircle on the carpet).
Q. Today our room is fabulous, and we will open the door to another, extraordinary, amazing world, which is full of miracles. Only those children who love to travel, fantasize and dream can enter this fairy-tale world. And I will help you with this - today I will be the wise Astrologer from the Planet of Wonders.
I have been living on the Planet of Wonders for a long time. Over thousands of years I have seen a lot of unusual and interesting things. I have an old magic book where I write down extraordinary stories and fairy tales (opens the magic book).
Listen to a fairy tale. In one star country there lived a king with his star queen and daughter, Princess Zvezdochka. He decided to somehow count everything in his country. He flew, flew through the sky, counted, counted... Returned home, the queen asked - “Well? Have you counted everything? The king doesn’t remember!.. The queen got angry, and the king was upset... Then the wise Astrologer tells him... What do you think the Astrologer advised? (answers and guesses from children)
And the Astrologer tells him: “In order not to forget how many stars, clouds, birds, etc. there are in total, it was necessary to write down the numbers obtained when counting using numbers. Recounted and indicated the quantity with a number. After all, a number is a sign of a number.”
Apparently the king doesn’t even know the numbers! Guys, let's help the king from the Star Country? Now I’ll wave my magic wand and turn you into Astrologer’s assistants and we’ll go to the magical Star Country. “Crible-crable-boom...”
Come quietly into our magical room and sit down
at the star tables. After all, you are now young stargazers.
And the star country greets us with colored lights.
The king left his portrait, and he is watching you through a celestial telescope. He thinks: will they cope or not?..

V.Look: the king left his cards, apparently he couldn’t count them. Count the objects on the card and indicate the number of objects with a number (children count the objects and put the desired number next to them).
- How many Christmas trees?
- How many mushrooms? (and so on.)
Did you count everything correctly? Who didn't succeed?
How to count correctly?
(The children, together with the teacher, recite the algorithm: when recounting, you must not miss a single item and not count a single item twice).
I hear the king’s voice - he is very pleased with you. Well done.

(the teacher opens the curtain - on the easel
number series)
Q. A stellar hurricane apparently passed through this country. All the numbers are mixed up. Which number is out of place? (children's answer). Leila, replace the number 2.
You, too, arrange the numbers in order on your tables.
- What number comes before the number 3?
- What number comes after the number 1?
- What number is between the numbers 3 and 5?

B. Let's play hide and seek with the numbers. Close your eyes. Open. What number is hidden? (3, because after the number 2 comes the number 3) (2-3 digits are also hidden).
They played very well. It was fun and interesting.

(an asterisk appears)
V. Once upon a time there were stars. They lived as families. The families were different: in one family there lived one star, in other families there were more. All the stars lived on the same street.
Let's help the stars settle correctly.
What kind of house is this? Let's count in order (children name the serial numbers of the houses: first, second, third, fourth, fifth).
Q. What do you think needs to be done to prevent the stars from forgetting which house they live in? (you need to place cards with a number. This will be the house number).
We have attached the cards, now we will place stars.
This is... (first house) - he will live here... (1 star).
This is...(second house) - they will live here (2 stars)
Bring the stars, we'll count them and place them in your homes.
Thank you. All the stars are happy now.

4) GAME “STARS AND CLOUDS” V. (opens a closed carpet panel).
Guys, look how many beautiful stars there are here. We are stargazers. Let's count how many stars? (4 stars here).
How many clouds? What more? How much more?
Let's put each star to sleep on a cloud.
Will there be enough clouds for all the stars? Why? What should be done?
(add another cloud).
The stars each rest on their own cloud. They probably have very beautiful colorful dreams.

V. We will also have a little rest. Take these toys that we took with us so that we don't get bored. Close your eyes and listen to the song. This is the princess's favorite lullaby.
(children lie down on the carpet with their toys - an audio recording of the song plays).

B. The alarm clock is ringing - it’s time to get up. And this cute silver fox came to us and called us to do some exercise and warm-up.
A month floats across the sky.
Who lives during the month? (walking)
There's a sly fox walking there,
He looks down at the ground.
(lean forward)
The fox waves his tail
The fur is thick and silvery.
(wave hands behind back)
And the stars fly around,
They fly to visit the fox.
(wave hands in front of themselves)

V. I feel something is boring with the tsar (where he is hiding). Let's try to cheer him up. I have two ribbons - long and short. Which ribbon is long? (pink). Which tape is shorter? (yellow).
A long ribbon means a loud blow, and a short ribbon means a quiet one.
Prepare your tambourines, be careful, watch my actions.
Okay, everyone was paying attention.

V. In the country of stars, time also does not stand still, parts of the day replace each other (shows a poster)
1. Name the parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)
2.How many parts are there in a day? (four)
3.What is the name of the day that has passed?
4.What are the names of the days that are coming soon? (Tomorrow)
5.what is the name of the day in which we live now, at the present moment? (Today)
Q. In our group we have a daily routine (shows a poster)
-What comes first – lunch or dinner?
-What’s later: a walk or breakfast?
-Which comes first: afternoon tea or quiet time?
Yes, everything is right, everything is going right, one after another,
just as the parts of the day replace each other. One day passes, another comes.
-Where do they run away for a day?
(child recites a poem)

Morning afternoon Evening Night,
They ran away for a day.
So as not to regret a day,
We must take care of every day,
To have time to dance and read.
Draw, play with friends
And help mom.
V. Well done. Yes, time should be spent usefully and according to the schedule. And try to get everything done on time before it’s time to sleep at night.

Q. There are so many secrets in this starry country. Here's another secret. (knock on the door - they bring a magic chest).
A strange chest - with a lock. Probably, the king came up with something again (opens the chest).
The king sent us a letter: “Help, my princess Star is lost in time, guess the riddles about the seasons and she will return to her country again. King of the Star Country."

Guys, let's help the king? Can you guess the riddles?
And here is our assistant picture (shows a table of mnemonics)
(V. reads riddles about the seasons)
1) I have a lot to do: I am a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I whiten the fields, the houses,
My name is... (winter).
2) I open the buds into green leaves,
I dress the trees, water the crops,
There is a lot of movement. My name is...(spring).
3) I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, swim - I invite you!
And you all love me for this. I...(summer)
4) I bring harvests, I sow fields,
I send the birds south, I strip the trees,
But she didn’t touch the fir trees and pines. I...(autumn)
(while solving riddles, children find and show pictures corresponding to each season).
- How many seasons are there in total?
-Name them.
(child reads a poem about the seasons)
Winter comes to us first - it leads into the New Year,
After the second winter is spring, they say spring is red,
The third - summer, all in flowers, and with raspberries on the bushes,
And on the fourth - autumn, the forest has shed its outfit.

V. The Star Hurricane not only mixed up the numbers, it also scattered parts of geometric shapes everywhere (parts of a square and a circle were scattered on the floor). How to collect them now?
That's the puzzle
To complete the puzzle correctly, we will do the “Ear-Nose” brain exercise (children perform a kinesiology exercise).
Who can help you fold geometric shapes?
(children, if desired, assemble geometric shapes from 2, 3, 4 parts).

V. Guys, let us fantasize and come up with what magical creatures can live in this starry country. Create a variety of unusual silhouettes from the geometric shapes you have.
(children make figures)
- What geometric shapes did you use?
All the figures are wonderful. The most interesting, varied and successful are Polina, Danil...
Let's leave these figures as a gift to the princess.

B. And here the princess left her gift for you
(opens the blanket). A very beautiful pattern on a small piece of a star blanket.
- What's in the upper right corner?
-What's in the lower right corner?
-What's in the upper left corner?
- What's in the lower left corner?
Right. Well done.

Guys, where were we today? (in star country)
-What they were doing? (they counted, named numbers, made a magic figure, played, guessed riddles, named the parts of the day...)
- What did you like?
Now take your mood cards and fill in the mood circle: in yellow - “I am happy”,
green – “I’m calm, interested”, red – fear or sadness. And I'll see what mood you were in today.

(phone ring)
Q. Hello, is this the king? Say thank you very much to the guys. Sent the princess with gifts?
Guys, Princess Zvezdochka is flying towards us any minute now. The king sent gifts and refreshments for you.
(the princess comes in)
Princess: Guys, you think so well and know so much, Thank you. And accept gifts from our family.
We are waiting for you to visit us again. Goodbye.
Q. Goodbye, princess. We will definitely try to fly to visit you.
I will give you these gifts and it’s time for us to return (the teacher gives out prizes)
Thank you, our journey is over.
Now I’ll wave my wand: “Crible, crable, boom...”

Topic: Travel to the city of “Schitalovo”
(Quantitative and ordinal counting within five).

Program content: Practice counting within 10. Continue to teach the difference between quantitative and ordinal counting within 5. Teach children to answer questions correctly: How much? Which one? Continue learning to name the previous and subsequent number to the named number. Continue to learn how to relate number to quantity and number. Exercise children in counting by ear. Strengthen children's understanding of the properties of objects (color, shape, size). To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. Teach children to navigate on a plane. To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge of the concepts of size: large - small, long - short, high - low, wide - narrow, thick - thin. Develop cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, speech, thinking). Develop fine motor skills and visual coordination. To instill in children the ability to listen to their comrades and not interrupt. Answer questions one at a time, do not shout out answers in unison.

Demo material: Easel, magnetic board, ball, tambourine. Five pictures with balls of different colors.Subject pictures: 1 Christmas tree, 2 bullfinches, 3 snowmen, 4 doves, 5 owls. Number set (1-5), number cards (1-5).

Handout: Number set (1-5), number cards (1-5). Flannelograph, set of geometric shapes.

Methodical techniques: Didactic game, demonstration, questions, artistic expression, physical education, GCD analysis.

GCD move:

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them. Give your smiles to your guests.
- Turn to me. Give me smiles, and I will give you my smile.

Guys, today we will take a trip to the city of “Schitalovo”.
- Who guessed why it is called that? (Because they like to count there).
- In order to go on a trip you need to calculate correctly.
Game "I'll start, and you continue."

II. - In the city, a holiday was organized in honor of our arrival. Multi-colored balloons are hung in the square.
On an easel (5 balloons of different colors).
- How many balloons do you see? (5)
- Are the balls the same?
- Tell me, how are the balls different? (The balls are different colors).
- What do the balls have the same? (The balls have the same shape and size).
- Count the balloons in order.
- Which is the red ball worth? Yellow? Blue? Etc.

Suddenly the wind blew and one balloon flew away.
-Which ball is missing?
(The teacher removes one balloon at a time, and the children name which balloon is missing according to the count).
The children take their seats.

III. - We are with you on the street of the city “Schitalova”. The houses here are unusual; numbers live in them.
Game "How much?"
(On the board there are subject pictures: 1 Christmas tree, 2 bullfinches, 3 snowmen, 4 doves, 5 owls).
One child completes the task at the board, and the rest of the children sit at the tables.
The teacher asks riddles, after guessing it, the children show and lay out the desired number on the table.

I live in the middle of the yard, In winter there are apples on the branches!
The kids are sculpting me, assemble it quickly!
Nose - carrot, eyes - And suddenly apples fluttered -
coals. After all, this is... (Bullfinches)
Who am I?

What kind of girl is this? Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round.
During the day he sleeps, I am called the Bird of Peace,
It flies at night, and I can easily tame it.
And it scares passersby. (Pigeon)

3 1 5 2 4
- What did you post? (Digital series).
- What is a digital series?
- Are the numbers in order?
1 2 3 4 5

Take the number cards and place them under his number.
- Name the neighbors of the numbers 2, 3, 4?
- What number comes before the number 2, 4?
- What number is behind the number 3.4?
- Count from 2 to 4, from 3 to 5, from 5 to 1.

IV. Physical education lesson: “How many times will the tambourine hit...”
Children stand in a circle. Performing movements with speech accompaniment:
How many times will the tambourine strike
We will clap so many times.
How many dots will there be in a circle?
Let's raise our hands so many times.
Bent over so many times
How many butterflies do we have?
We squat so many times
How many leaves do we have?
How many circles will I show you?
Let's do so many jumps.

V. Working with geometric shapes.
- In the city of “Schitalovo”, residents really like to create pictures from mosaics. Their mosaics are geometric shapes.
- Take your sets and lay out a picture of them on a flannelgraph. We will give it to the residents.
(Children lay out a picture of geometric shapes on a flannelgraph and say what they did).
- Show your paintings.
- What did you do?

What shape is the roof of the house? (The roof is triangular in shape).
- What shape is the pipe at home? (Rectangular pipe).
- What shape is the window of the house? (The window of the house is square-shaped).
- What shape is the sun? (The sun is round in shape). Etc.
- In which corner is the sun? (Sun in the upper left corner).
- In which corner is the cloud? (Cloud in the upper right corner).
- Where is the house located? (The house is located in the middle).

VI. - To return home, you need to say the cherished word.
Game “Say the other way around” (with a ball).
Children stand in a circle.
Big - small, long - short th, tall - short, wide - narrow, thick - thin.

Well done! The journey is over!

VII. The result of direct educational activities.

The teacher summarizes the material covered during direct educational activities:
- Guys, where have we been?
-You did a good job today.
- Tell me, what were you doing?
- What did you like most?
- What caused the difficulty?


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